Introducing Inspiring Sisters Ministries

Hello Sisters in Christ, Come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ...Inspiring Sisters Ministries.

I have turned my hobby into a business. My family and friends think that this is a crazy move but when is it ever the right time to live your dreams?

The Lord will guide you in the direction that is right. Our Network will be up soon: Take a moment and email me at if you are interested in the following, we are seeking people with at least 2 years experience:

Seeking WritersInspiring Sisters Magazine  will be publishing a quarterly online magazine and we are seeking Christian writers, bloggers, etc. to contribute to our efforts.

Seeking Christian Speakers: Inspiring Sisters Online Conference beginning this fall, please submit workshop proposals. Our theme is coming soon. I am also available to speak at your events if you need a Christian speaker.

Seeking Guest Bloggers & Christian Book & Product Reviewers: We are seeking monthly Christian guest bloggers to share with our audience issues that will appeal to modern Christian women. We are looking to partner with Christian Industry leaders in the area of Christian Product Reviewers.

2015 Seeking Show Guests for Inspiring Sisters podcast show beginning December 2014.

Advertisers: We are seeking advertisers for our online magazine, online women's conference and website.

Virtual Assistant: We are seeking a virtual assistant subcontractor. Send us your rates.
Please continue to keep our ministries in your prayers.

