Is Miming in Church Biblical?

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ... Mime, is it a ministry? Is it wrong to allow them to perform in the church?

I am a very creative person and I am always trying to find ways I can use my God given talent to uplift the kingdom. Someone asked me if I would be interested in joining the ministry of mime.

Well, I never thought about Mime as a ministry. I grew up in a traditional Baptist church that would not even allow children to touch the communion table unless you wanted to have a private meeting with the Deacons and Deaconess.Today my church and many traditional churches are changing trying to keep it young members. They have so many new and interesting ministries.

I was asked to join a Mime Ministry at another church. I never heard of such a thing so I asked the person to explain the ministry to me. I was told mimes use the art of movement and gestures to win souls for Jesus Christ. The person said I would be part of the praise and worship team. Everyone wants to be a part of something that evangelize your faith to others. Right? Ummmmm, I thought. I need to explore this art form more I said. Then I started my search.

This art form is now called Gospel mime, a combination of the ancient, wordless mime art form that dates back to ancient Greece, and many claim or say its an evangelical tool. My personal concern is the history of the art form which originated from the Roman and Latin mime or pantomime performers. According to historical data, mimes first performed burlesque type shows that told a story through gesturers and ballet type dances. However, these stories tend to focus on erotic scenes.

Well the things I found out did not rest positively with my spirit, not at all.

First, I don't want to paint my face white. The faces looks like I am looking into the eyes of a crazy person. I am serious it seems like a state of craziness. Whitefaced seems too close to "blackfaced" actors of long ago. My ancestors suffered from that whole era of blackfaced. I recently even seen red faced mimes who were quite scary and questionable. The redfaced normally represent the Enemy or boggie man character.

Have you ever seen Mime Minstry in the word? I couldn't find anything. If you know of some scriptures please share. Then I decide to do some research on the subject. Oh my, the history is awful and surely not Godly.

The Greeks and Romans promoted the art for of mimes. The Greeks used mime to showcase stories to their gods which were sexual in nature. When Christians were persecuted under Nero and Domitian they used mime to make fun of Christians. The mime actors even clowned baptism and showed an actor being crucified. All this was to degrade the Christians of the time.

The mimes were used to dance and dramatize stories for the gods. Gay men and bisexuals women painted their faces to hide their identity as the partake in sexual presentations on stage. What!!!! Oh no, why are Christian leaders allowing Mimes on our alters? This is so not right.

Can we as Christians use something that originated out of evil be changed into something good? Can we Christianize mimes? But didn't God say to go out and speak to all nations. Shouldn't we use different styles and techniques to reach people?

After the fall of the Roman empire, the Christian church showed great opposition to the often indecent associations of Mime, and excommunicated all performers, and closed down all the theatres.
Today many churches have embraced this art form of miming and many call it praise and worship.

What does the word say about all this? After researching I decided...I would have to pass on this "new" artform; however, I am not comfortable calling entertainment Praise and Worship. It seems wrong, if it seems wrong then the Holy Spirit is whispering a simple answer, NO! I am praying on how I can use my artistic gifts and talent in a manner to build up the kingdom.

The Greeks loved plays and like performances, but not one apostle used a “performance” to share the Gospel. We have to be careful what spirits we are encouraging on the alter of the Lord.

It just amaze me how modern Christian justify things they do in church that are not biblical just because they like doing it. But does that make it right? If your entertainment causes people to be confused about the word of God then maybe you need to reconsider your ministry. Teachers and preachers have an important job in the eyes of the Lord. You will be held accountable for the miseducation you are spreading in the name of the Lord or "your" ministry.


  1. hmmm... interesting ... It's always wise to listen and obey the Spirit's prompting (or caution), even when we don't fully understand why.God bless you as you continue to grow in your walk with Him. :)

  2. Anonymous13.6.13

    Good point(s). Miming seems purely about entertatinment and not about spreading God's Word. Thank you.

    1. Mime like any storytelling techniques is not evil , Like everything in life including Facebook.. it can be used for evil or good. You would be shocked to know that the song. PRECIOUS LORD TAKE MY HAND was first put out the church because it was considered TOO WORLDLY . Check out this Mime group you might like them.

    2. Mime like any storytelling techniques is not evil , Like everything in life including Facebook.. it can be used for evil or good. You would be shocked to know that the song. PRECIOUS LORD TAKE MY HAND was first put out the church because it was considered TOO WORLDLY . Check out this Mime group you might like them.

    3. Anthony, I agree...It is what we make it; it is art form and if the artist intention is to glorify GOD then why is it wrong? I use a Christmas tree during the Christmas season as a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem..trees in the house, decorated with presents not biblical. But there isn't anything wrong with the whole scene because it reminds me of why I am celebrating. It also prompts me to remind my children and teach them more about Christ. Btw..there are no santas in my house...

  3. Anonymous23.7.13

    I guess its how you look at it. Im so glad God looks At the heart and only he can judge me

    1. Anonymous16.8.15


    2. I would just like to add to you, since there seems no way to comment on this. To the young lady who wrote this article I'd say, I dont care much for miming as I feel there is too much entertainment in the Black church as it is but you must remember that many people feel the same way about modern gospel music that you feel about miming. I certainly hate this new "gospel rap" stuff and some of the gospel such as Kirk Franklin, many feel is "worldly". How do you feel about modern gospel?

    3. Anonymous26.10.15

      Just adding to your comment because there is no place to make a new comment. I want to say to the person who wrote this article that I dont care for miming because there is too much entertainment going on in the Black church as it is. Nor do I care for the praise dancing either but you must remember that many feel the same way about modern gospel music as you do about miming, it is too worldly. If you're a fan of modern gospel music you might want to remember that.

    4. Anonymous8.6.17

      I concur. You will find many people flock to these old art forms and call them new ministries. The truth is their old man is still very much alive. Stay spiritually sensitive to the Truth and the Spirit of God.

    5. I happended across this article many years later and must comment in this manner. Mime is not entertainment, it is expression without words. Like makeup enhances natural beauty, mime enhances the message that is being ministered. The spirit of the Lord moves GREATLY when my daughter mimes, because she doesn't dance, she ministers. The makeup simply enhances and makes one pay attention to the face and moves. She spends hours in prayer prior to ministry and there is not one that have not made an impact. If this writer had done proper research, she would realize that MOST things done in church has roots in paganism....from Christmas, Easter, and Valentines Day... down to shouting in church. "Dancing before the Lord" mimicked Gentile worship of other gods. So, technically, there should not be one tree, one egg hunt, no new outfits, no toy given, not one piece of chocholate eaten, and definitely no shouting. However, Godly sanctification is required, and we all to call nothing unclean that He has sanctified. He takes the things of the wicked and confounds the enemy. He can turn what was MEANT for evil and use it for good. Mime is ministry in motion the hands of the Lord!

  4. I believe all the history about Mime you shared is correct. It was utilized for evil. It was used to share stories through body movement. It was also used to hide their identities. I also believe that humans (speaking collectively) disobeyed God throughout the Bible and God continues to show how crazy humans are as they continue to move away from His will. With this being said, I am truly a Christian and I know that throughout history and now people live in evil and they promote it. But just like you can dance to promote evil, you can dance to promote and minister for God. Mime may have its roots in which people used it for evil, but now it is being use to stimulate faith, minister to people by making words come to life, faces are being painted to show the expression of the mime dancer, so that the receiver doesn't look at the person, instead they take in the message. Yes God does judge the heart. Those who dance for evil or good will be judged by God. Jesus was looked at as evil to the priest in the synagogues. He taught in parables, did miracles, and even declared He was Son of God, this angered them. Except, He was in God's will, doing as God said with a pure heart. God was His judge. Always understand that the heart is what matters. Regardless of what it looked like in the past this is now what God is speaking to some people. If He hasn't spoken it to you, thats great. Walk in whatever God has told you to do. Be purpose, Be love to all, and let God be the judge. Thank you for the background information on mime. It really helped confirm even the more of why God wanted me to mime in the first place.

    1. Anonymous19.1.14

      YES! I completely agree with you sis.

    2. Anonymous20.2.14

      amen!!!! mime is a way to express your love for God.. Single also have sexual content what makes it any different? Everything you do will have both a positive and negative past, its life, no man is perfect so what makes anyone believe that something wouldn't be praising God if you have never tried it for yourself.

    3. A very compelling argument... But doesn't the Bible say to avoid the very appearance of evil? Meaning, if it looks like it might be wrong, then don't do it? Anyway, I feel that if you have a personal relationship with God, the Holy Spirit will speak to you. Meaning, if you not absolutely sure, if there is any part of you that says "maybe I shouldn't", then Don't do it. That's that still small voice, which will keep you safe not sorry.

    4. A very compelling argument... But doesn't the Bible say to avoid the very appearance of evil? Meaning, if it looks like it might be wrong, then don't do it? Anyway, I feel that if you have a personal relationship with God, the Holy Spirit will speak to you. Meaning, if you not absolutely sure, if there is any part of you that says "maybe I shouldn't", then Don't do it. That's that still small voice, which will keep you safe not sorry.

    5. Anonymous2.3.14

      Mrs. Johnson great point. I love being the leader of our Gospel Mime, our art of movement and gestures is used to win souls for Jesus Christ... Everyone has their own personal interpretation of things. We must not forget our sinful ways and the things we do that's unGodly, our spirit speaks to us then but we continue to sin anyway.

    6. Anonymous16.12.14

      read 1 Corinthian 14 the whole chapter with an emphasis on verse 22-23; paul's message about speaking in tongues can apply to mime dancing, and any form of expression that is done without knowledge. the Lord,even Jesus said in matthew 7 verse 21-23 what would happen to those who do what they think is right in his name,without knowledge of the true word of God.

    7. Anonymous21.3.15

      I am extremely saddened having seen all this Sin as a practice in church. I recently received the Holy Ghost. I was so tired of sin I almost lost all hope and desperately needed salvation!! But, I really didn't want to go to church either because I'd heard so much evil was going on in there. I certainly had a hard time determining who really was even saved. But God delivered me and I'm fervently on fire and zealous fo God but I saw a mime dance in church and I wanted to cry. How backward and ignorant people have become...This is clearly IDOLATRY-Abomination! Why don't we research the origin of these things first? There are reasons God told His people to be separated and to refrain from what other nations did. He wanted to show a distinction so He would get glory from showing off His people displaying His power with Victory. But just like Israel sinned many times,the church has done likewise in becoming a modern day conglomerate of perversion, idolatry, formalism, legalism and entertainment like social clubs now. The world wants to see a light! There is a remnant people who are saved, sanctified, consecrated to and for God who are baptized in Jesus' name and filled with the Holy Ghost with real Power!
      It is going to take the Power of Jesus' name Sealed saints still holding onto the True straight and narrow way to demonstrate what God intended. And God is gathering more and more of these Sealed saints who truly love a God with every fiber of their being and will do just as His word commanded. All this other junk in the church is why there is no real power to live holy. Give me Jesus and the bible doctrine of the Apostles any day instead of this cold or lukewarm empty stuff. We need to get on our faces,humble ourselves, pray, seek God, repent, turn away from all worldy evils Then God said He'd answer. I pray we rid ourselves from all this Sin because that is exactly what it is. Maybe we should just empty the churches and get back on the streets to worship and hear the word of God...because a lot of people want God and not "church"as we see in most places today.

    8. Anonymous21.3.15

      I know a lot of folks will be in for a rude awakening at the end standing before God. How in the world does one excuse a sinful pagan act in its origin which God called idolatry and turn it around to say it is a ministry?? And then claim souls were saved because of it? The devil is a liar! Watch out people...satan has transformed himself into an angel of light. There is so much that has been allowed in churches that one need not go to the club because it crept right into the pews. God is angry with all this ungodliness. You can try to excuse this stuff with titles but you cannot convince God when He said to put away these things from you.But then most people, it seems, don't read and study because their preacher/ pastor "told" them certain things were ok. In times like these, I would rather choose to obey God's word because it is not going to change. We will ALL be judged by it for good or evil. As my father used to say, "You can fool som people some of the time but you can't fool them all the time...and you certaintly can't fool God!"

    9. Anonymous30.4.15

      I thank you for this rebuttable. I mime as well. I feel that it is a calling on my life. Every time I a song ministers to me, I can't help but move to it. I believe that what the enemy set up for evil, God is turning it around for his Glory. I rehearse, but before I go out, I ask that God flows through me. Each time, what I have rehearsed, goes out the window. So, no, I don't view it as merely entertainment. I do read and study the word. There is a major difference between mime movement and movement in a club. What people fail to realize is that, a lot of the dancing people do now came from the church. It came from our ancestors.There is nothing new under the sun. By the way, Do you Celebrate Easter? or Passover? Easter is also a Pagan holiday that many denominations celebrate . So, before you go in about pagan rituals, please do not leave any out. The same person that may criticize mime is the same one celebrating Easter without knowing it's background. Let us not condemn.

    10. Anonymous17.6.15

      My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge,

    11. Anonymous16.8.15


    12. I myself do not celebrate Easter nor Christmas, the both are Pagan rituals. I have always thought that miming did not have a place in church. A lot of performances that put on is entertainment. ...they have children doing it too! How are they worshipping God...they have rehearsed dance steps to perform for personal praise. It's purely entertainment.

    13. As a minister of the gospel, I do know this, we must always be led by the Spirit in everything we say and do. Rather than judge each other's ministry that God has laid on their heart, why not get on your knees and find out what ministry God has for you to do. We all have a part to play, and if each one would reach one, the world would be a better place. I remember when praise dance was not allowed in most churches. Now you see praise dance everywhere as ministry. And a beautiful ministry it is. I believe that the enemy has Christians spending so much time judging each other, we have no time to go out and save the world. I am in the liturgical dancer, I am a minister of the mime dance, and also an Evangelist. I use dance, praise dance and mime dance to evangelize. So you see what the devil meant for evil God has turned around and is touching and healing souls everyday. Isn't that the main goal? I am a female preaching the gospel, yet there are churches who feel that female preachers are out of order. We must remember satan was the minister of music, yet music is a very important part of most churches today. Singing is too, yet some churches don't allow singing. We could go on and on about what we should and shouldn't do in the church as ministry, but, at the end of the day, I say just be led by the Spirit of God and make sure YOU are not being used to promote DIVISION in the church. ALL THINGS work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are CALLED according to HIS purpose. Besides, miming in the church isn't the problem. But lying, backbiting, fornicating, adultery, gossiping, murmuring and complaining, and so on, is. Be blessed and highly favored today.

    14. Anonymous12.1.16

      To the mime: I'm right there with you. As a fellow mime, I completely feel the same way. To those who are saying that mime isn't doing anything to us and the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell in us or the people, who are you to say that it doesn't? You aren't us and you aren't there to witness that. God uses His children to do His work, whether it be through dancing, poetry, teaching, singing, or whatever the case. Those only seeing this artform as a pagan thing should really open their eyes and get out of the conformist bubble. A lot of holidays Christians celebrate are pagan too. God uses me through mime all the time. He speaks to me and the Holy Spirit dwells in me to minister to the people as well as myself. Lots of people are saved, set free, delivered, and encouraged through this ministry. You can't go by what it looks like, you gotta really tune into your spirit man and see for yourself that this isn't an entertainment thing. God called me to mime because it is one way I can give God praise and express my love and thanksgiving to Him when I can't find another way. And also because it's a job; a duty in the Kingdom of God to win souls for His Kingdom. God sees it fit for the called, so you can't knock what God accepts. Remember, David danced until his clothes fell off..and that's in the tell me how dancing (especially mime) isn't allowed in the church.

    15. Anonymous20.6.16

      WOW!! THANK YOU!

  5. Anonymous22.4.14

    If this is meant to be used as a way of saving peoples lives, it needs to go outside of the church. Everytime I see a mime ministry, its is a church. They should be going where the mime enthusiasts are going, otherwise its just a gimmick or fad in the church.

    By the way, mimes are creepy looking to a lot of people and when I see that white face and aerobics happening on stage, the gospel doesn't exactly come to my mind.

    I think its a great symbol to take a pegan tradition and give it a life in christ, just look at Easter and Christmas, but the goal should be saving lives not preaching to the choir.

    Does anyone else find the irony in spreading God's word through pantomime? X D

    1. Creepy is right,can't find mining in the bible.

    2. Two wrongs don't make a right,the devil is saying, if I can't beat them, let me join them,so much junk going on in some church's, it's a shame, people let's contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.


  6. I am a Mime Minister and I have saved and brought many souls to God through my Ministry. God does not call the qualified HE qualifies those who are called. I was called and I answered so just because you don't understand something don't condemn it maybe Mime just isn't your calling

    1. Bring the wickedness of the world at God footstep Church and the world should be!!!!

    2. Anonymous17.6.15

      My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge,

    3. Anonymous10.12.15

      Where did Mime Ministry come from? Dance before the Lord, but why hide behind a mask...

    4. God is the only one who can save anyone. He appoints salvation through the acceptance of his son Jesus Christ who died for the sins of mankind. You have not saved anyone

  7. Anonymous14.7.14

    We don't understand a lot of things... God is an awesome and un-explainable God... I'm apart of the mime ministry & dance ministry in my church. I think of it as allowing God to use my body to minister to church family & others, & he does use me tremendously. Once you allow him in, the Holy Spirit takes over.

  8. Anonymous7.8.14

    The spirit takes over,what spirit?The Holy Spirit doesn't need a pagan art form to reach people.The Holy Word,the Holy Bible speaks for itself.You are greatly deceived if you think this pagan erotic act is Holy or of God.The enemy of souls is once again white face,painting over TRUTH

    1. Anonymous6.1.16

      Praise God for history and opening our eyes to that which is not of Him.

    2. Anonymous12.1.16

      ^^I'm sorry, but your comment completely lacks intelligence and understanding. If you don't understand something, ask God to help you understand. You have no say to TELL a person they do or don't have the Holy Spirit. I am also a mime and God told me Himself this is my calling. So please, come again.

  9. Anonymous9.11.14

    Reading the comments, what scripture did the LORD give to confirm that this is pleasing to Him? John 1:1 & Galatians 3:1; Judge 1 Peter 4:6, 17. Also my sister that searched this Truth out I give you 2 Timothy 2:15, may the Fire of the Holy Spirit continue to endow on you to be a true ambassador of Christ..i Jesus name Amen...Apostle G.

  10. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading your research. I can see you love the Lord and want to serve him. There are many symbols, practices, rituals, buildings that are employed in Christianity that have pagan origins. Personally, I see God as bigger than any device we use to honour and serve him. I base my views on Paul in 1 Corinthians 8, where he discusses eating meat offered to idols. I see God as love, not willing that any should perish, I see God as more powerful than any pagan symbol, but I see God as loving, kind enough to accept my worship how ever inadequate it is. For me, God is Bigger, Mighter, and more Powerful than any tradition.

  11. Anonymous15.11.14

    Let God word be true and every man or women a liar. God word is settled in heaven The research is scriptually based. The word of God will judge all who does not obey it. Your opinion is just that your opinion. God word is true. Obey it! If you can't find it in the word of God be careful what you think is God's will. It may be your will instead.

  12. Anonymous15.2.15

    The word of God was good enough for the apostles to preach. They didn't turn it into a performance to reach the young and it's the same word that was preach then, today and tomorrow.

  13. so then we should ban Rap and any form of "wordly" music that was created other than to worship God. There is no such thing as christian music just lyrics. We should take out the hymn book and thats it.

  14. Hi Angela, I'm not being legalistic but I don't think everything that is done in the world should be repackaged and called "Christian." I decided to research the history of miming as it relates to the church. This blog entry was based on my finding. I didn't include all the disgusting things I found out about this pagan form of worship.

    I just think Christian churches need to be careful with what they allow to minister to members. Some churches do it because they hear another church is doing it and they want to keep and appease members so they do it. However, in return you are miseducating your members and exposing them to ungodly worship.

    Yes, I'm saying every worldly trend shouldn't be allowed in the church. Pastors, elders and boards need to pray and wait for a word from the Lord. How is this thing really ministering to members? Is it really bringing people to Christ? I feel the same about Yoga in general and especially Christian Yoga. Why do you think we need to repackage worldly things?

    1. Dont know if my other post did post.. but the question i ask is if a non believer can become a believer in Christ and serve Christ, why wud you think differently about this art form?? if what YOU say is true.. but correction the church did embrace the art form back after rejecting it.

  15. So if a none believer can change and serve God, why you dont think God wud do the same for an art form.. i can go in about the pharasees and saducees not recognizing Jesus, or how the church did take back the art form of mime not even now but back then. They started doing more moral shows etc. But it doesnt matter people say christian is a white man religion, people say this or that... What kills me is Christians try and put our opinions as if God said it. If we really look at the nature of God mime ministry brings souls to understand God for themselves. How do we ridicule that?? Or just say u dont like it from my opinion not the holy spirit tell u..

  16. Anonymous30.4.15

    So, what about Easter? I bring this up because the same people ridiculing mime dance are the same that celebrate Easter. Have you done research on this as well. It is amazing what you will find, as this too is a pagan holiday. Is there anything in the Bible that talks about choirs performing A and B selections on Sunday morning? Is there anything about selling church dinners in the Bible to raise money for the church? No, there is not. Yet many churches still do these things. I believe that what the enemy used for bad, that God can turn around and make good for his Glory, just how he did with Saul, who would have Christians killed, how he used David, who slept with another man's wife and had him killed. Yet, God still saw fit to use him. I have ministered in Praise dance and mime. The Holy Spirit flows through me when I mime. I know because all that which I have rehearsed goes out the window when I do go forth and minister. The same way the Holy Spirit flows through the person who lays hands on you at the alter, when people are slain in the spirit. There are many avenues that can lead people to Christ. I believe that as long as we are winning souls for the kingdom that God is pleased. What matters is the intention behind it and Whom you are serving. People talk about the dancing should be for the club. Okay well, why do you move to the praise music while in church? You move form side to side, you clap your hands, some even jump up and down. There is nothing new under the sun, and what people forget is that the world took from the church and corrupted it, not the other way around.

  17. Anonymous30.4.15

    So, what about Easter? I bring this up because the same people ridiculing mime dance are the same that celebrate Easter. Have you done research on this as well. It is amazing what you will find, as this too is a pagan holiday. Is there anything in the Bible that talks about choirs performing A and B selections on Sunday morning? Is there anything about selling church dinners in the Bible to raise money for the church? No, there is not. Yet many churches still do these things. I believe that what the enemy used for bad, that God can turn around and make good for his Glory, just how he did with Saul, who would have Christians killed, how he used David, who slept with another man's wife and had him killed. Yet, God still saw fit to use him. I have ministered in Praise dance and mime. The Holy Spirit flows through me when I mime. I know because all that which I have rehearsed goes out the window when I do go forth and minister. The same way the Holy Spirit flows through the person who lays hands on you at the alter, when people are slain in the spirit. There are many avenues that can lead people to Christ. I believe that as long as we are winning souls for the kingdom that God is pleased. What matters is the intention behind it and Whom you are serving. People talk about the dancing should be for the club. Okay well, why do you move to the praise music while in church? You move form side to side, you clap your hands, some even jump up and down. There is nothing new under the sun, and what people forget is that the world took from the church and corrupted it, not the other way around.

  18. Anonymous3.6.15

    To all those who say they use this as a form of evangelism, and winning souls, and ministering? Where in the bible does it say Jesus did this as a form of evangelism? or the apostles? or any other prophet who painted their faces and acted something out. I believe if its not biblical, we shouldn't do it. I cant imagine Jesus or the apostles preaching the gospel and saving souls, with painted faces and acting out. The best way to minister and save souls is by preaching the truth. To go out into the streets and preach the powerful name of Jesus. Most people inside the church are already believers.

    1. Anonymous9.10.15

      Amen... Romans 3:4 ...let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightiest be justified in thy sayings... we believe, if it is not written, it's Not so.
      Jeremiah 14:14 ...I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them:...
      2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 people be careful of what you put your faith in.
      God's Warrior

  19. Miming is Biblical but without the face painting as we know it today. Miming is acted out expression, The Hebrew phrase "acted out" comes from DANAH, meaning "a silent mime, an enactment, or judgment." God used acted out (a silent mime) expression through Ezekiel the prophet and others in the Bible.

    Scripture references of silent mime "acted out" being done.

    Ezekiel 4:8-12 An iron pan as a wall of iron: Signifying the coming seige of Jerusalem
    Ezekiel 3:2-3 The Prophet commanded to eat the scroll.
    Ezekiel 37:15-23 Prophetic parable of the two sticks for the uniting of Judah and Israel
    Ezekiel 24:1-7 The boiling Pot
    Ezekiel 5:1-17 The prophet cuts his own hair, burns and scatters it.
    Ezekiel 12:1-16 The prophet packs and moves out in their sight.
    Ezekiel 12:17-25 The Prophet eating and drinking as a prophetic sign
    Ezekiel 24:1-27
    Isaiah 20:1-6
    Hosea 1:1-11
    Hosea 3:1-5
    Jeremiah 19:1
    Jeremiah 13:1-11
    Isaiah 20:1-6
    2 Kings 13:15-19
    1 Kings 11:30-40
    Jeremiah 51:62-64
    Jeremiah 43:6-13
    Jeremiah 25:15-36
    Jeremiah 27:1-28:17
    Ezekiel 6:1-14
    Hosea 2-3
    Acts 21:10-1
    Revelation 18:21

    God is creator of ALL things the enemy/world mimics and use it for evil.

    1. You error not decernment the Scripture correctly. This is not mime. These are directives from God to Ezekiel in order for him to guide the Isrealites to the truth of living a Hyundai life before their God. Not any of these things are done in the synagogue.

  20. Anonymous11.8.15

    I attend a traditional Pentecostal church, where praise dancing and mimes are not performed. I personally find performances when done with the anointing very uplifting and a way to reach out to unsaved especially the youth of today. One of the my church mothers recently attended another church we fellowship with and they had a visiting mime group perform. She was so upset that the pastor had allowed this. I told her I would do some research on it. I am an associate minister at my church. I find this discussion very interesting.

  21. That true so true where in the bible does it say about praise dancing, and mime dancing. I haven't seen anywhere. The in bible it tell us to be like Jesus. This stuff come from the world, and creep up in churches now. I never seen this when I was growing up in church as child, because the would called it evil, the devil, satanctic, That why the move of God isn't Great in church today. They let all kinds of spirits come in the church their ungodly. God said he called preachers, teachers apostle's he did not say praise dancers and mime to minster. When he said praise in dance he ment a holy dance that come from God . when David dance before the Lord the bible said he was in the spirit. That spirit came from God which is the Holly Ghost. It can't get no sample then that. You must be born again. This unclean spirit has creep in the churches, But we as God fearing believer Much pray. Holy saint's of God have pray That God will prevail.

  22. That true so true where in the bible does it say about praise dancing, and mime dancing. I haven't seen anywhere. The in bible it tell us to be like Jesus. This stuff come from the world, and creep up in churches now. I never seen this when I was growing up in church as child, because the would called it evil, the devil, satanctic, That why the move of God isn't Great in church today. They let all kinds of spirits come in the church their ungodly. God said he called preachers, teachers apostle's he did not say praise dancers and mime to minster. When he said praise in dance he ment a holy dance that come from God . when David dance before the Lord the bible said he was in the spirit. That spirit came from God which is the Holly Ghost. It can't get no sample then that. You must be born again. This unclean spirit has creep in the churches, But we as God fearing believer Much pray. Holy saint's of God have pray That God will prevail.

  23. The Word of God is what saves...This world has accepted alot of things into the church that shouldnt be....just because its entertainment. Going to church is for education not entertainment!!

  24. Mime like any storytelling techniques is not evil , Like everything in life including Facebook.. it can be used for evil or good. You would be shocked to know that the song. PRECIOUS LORD TAKE MY HAND was first put out the church because it was considered TOO WORLDLY . Check out this Mime group you might like them.

  25. Anonymous30.11.15

    just one more way for the devil to sneek his way into the church

  26. Thank you, I have felt uneasy about mime dancing, it never seem total right to me,faces do look somewhat demonic to me...

  27. Anonymous22.2.16

    In Acts 21:10,11 it talks about how a prophet named Agabus demonstrated what he wanted to say to Paul. He tied his own hands and feet with Paul's belt to show him what would happen to him if he went to Jerusalem. He might not have painted his face but he acted something out in order to make his message for impacting. Pantomime might have been used to a bad manner but if you think about it, anything can be used for evil. Music, dance and even God's word is sometimes used in a wrong context. Anything can be used for evil or for good.

  28. God is Sovereign. He can do what He wants, when He wants, How He wants any time He wsnts. Have anyone seen a donkey speaking lately? point. God cannot and will not be boxed in. Our thinking is limited. He is limitless.

  29. Anonymous16.5.16

    Mime is nothing more than entertainment which those in the church are trying to justify, say God called them to do it, they enjoy doing it, it's an evangelistic tool, etc. Just because someone cries, comes to the alter, repeats the so-called 'sinner's prayer" and so forth does not constitute true salvation. Jesus clearly said, "by their fruits you shall know them". He also said, "many shall say Lord, Lord have we not ........ and in your name done many works? and He shall say unto them, depart from me. I never knew you who work iniquity (paraphased)". Face it, the western church just loves entertainment in the church. That's why everyone is hyped up and joyous when singing, miming, dancing, etc. is going on for hours. Why? Because it caters to the emotions of man. When I was a sinner, I could shed tears listening to a Teddy Pendergrass, Luther Vandeross or even Barry White secular song BECAUSE IT TAPS INTO MAN'S EMOTIONS! That's why the spirit or error is working so mightily in the church because folks are doing all these extra-outside-biblical things and calling it ministry just because it is something they like to do even though there are no examples of such in the Bible. Noticed I said those things cater to the emotions and folks listen and view them for hours in the church. The sad part is that folks can't focus for twenty minutes when the Word of God is being preached! Falling asleep, have to go to the bathroom, have to get up and go outside, etc. CAN'T FOCUS ON THE ENGRAFTED WORD WHICH IS THE ONLY THING THAT IS ABLE TO SAVE THE SOUL. Why? Because God's Word is preached to the soul of man going far, far past human emotion which is why satan fills the church with distractions and 'stuff' which has no Biblical relevancy, rooted in something wicked or ungodly which folks still try to justify as ministry. The saints used to say WWJD, yet now we might as well say WWID (What Would I Do) because most in the church from the heart are not truly willing to do what Jesus would do. Folks are just giving God what they FEEL is okay instead of what HE requires. Mime, Hip-Hop, secular dancing, and such the like cannot be redeemed and used for God. He doesn't desire nor need the rudiments of the world; the things used to glorify the enemy; to attempt to be used to please Him. That's why you'll find NO precedence in Scripture. Just because many on this site justify it, does not make it holy, Godly or righteous EVEN IF IT IS DONE IN THE CHURCH! Man's will for God DOES NOT constitute the Will of God.

  30. He who wins souls is wise. ("Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise") This should sum it up. We must use what we have to win the lost and those in need of being ministered to.

  31. I am a Gospel mimer and I love praising God and showing Him my love. I use to be a bad dancer in the clubs. I won many of battles when I lived worldly. But now that I am living for God I decided to use my talent to draw men unto Him. No matter what we all do in life it should be about God/Jesus for all the sacrifices they went through for us. I don't go by others opinions when it comes to serving God because in the end it's all about giving Gid the glory and praise. So keep your focus on God and follow His words. Much love for all the gospel ministries that are going forth to praise God.. Be blessed

  32. Very interesting stuff. I think you all should think or re-think your religious selection (choice). Christianity is the newest and latest religion on the block. You have to dig deeper for the truth and believe me, the new kid on the block is not your answer. TOO MUCH CONFUSION AND DELUSION!

  33. Anonymous8.8.16

    I am floored by all of the comments both in a good and concerning type way. I love that information was given from both sides that's the good part. Being able to voice our opinions that's the good part. What concerns me is the divide of the opinions when we as believers in Christ when it comes to the Word Of God our opinions doesn't matter we have to be factual. The fact that we are many members making up one body in Christ we can't have division we must be on one accord. God is not the author of confusion so He would not speak to some & day this is not of the Holy Spirit & then say that to others it's ok. What has happened is that people have chosen to hear what they want to hear & have jumped on the bandwagon of what others are to doing even if God has not said so. You have those that are trying to win souls outside of biblical context, meaning now days men & women have made their own rules & regulations when it comes to God, they figure their way is better. I pray that God enlighten the understanding of His people, that we stand firm on the Word Of God without compromise, that we may compell others to come to Christ with Love & Truth, that His sheep know His voice & a stranger we will not follow, that we Love God and each other above all else....How can two walk together except they agree? Some of you attend churches on s regular basis & may be confused to how things are so far from God's word the Lord is dealing with you, you are not crazy it's the Holy Spirit dealing with you Come out from among them and be ye separated, don't be afraid, fear not for the Lord Thy God is with you, I don't know who I'm speaking to but it's the truth is setting you free ( right now) In Jesus Name!

  34. Miming has an occult background. It is evil. You are correct that a lot of today's so called gospel music is sensual. Actually most of that should be called inspirational and not gospel. We will try to justify any and every thing that we do. If it's right, there's no need for justification. We need to try and make sure that what we do is shown to us by Jesus and or the biblical writers and not man.

  35. Anonymous8.1.17

    Most pantomimes dress extremely provocative. Either the garments are too small, too tight, too short, sheer, revealing every bulge and cutting into every cravass the human anatomy could offer. Not to mention to hunching, pumping the air and the endless pelvic gyrations. None of this reminds me of GOD almighty, Jesus his son, or the Holy Ghost our comforter and this behavior most certainly does not remind me of Holiness, let alone CHURCH. Worship and entertainment are not equal. It is a pulpit for teaching, preaching and prayer. Not a stage for tickling the flesh!! God is spiritual, not carnal. We need righteousness to prevail in these last and evil days. Not to be sidetracked and miss the rapture. The devil is deceiving many and he is doing his job extremely well, but what about the professed Christians? Who will be accountable for all these mislead, doomed, lost souls???

  36. Truth mixed with error is deadly poison, the last days are going to be a test of worship. The method chosen to glorify God has to be approved by him not man. (Prov 14:12) There are many well meaning and genuine Christians who are just ignorant of the truths that our Bible believing forefathers held on to. Thus we are wept away by smooth messages like, we can use whatever methods to win souls, that would be wrong. 1 Cor 9:27 Miming is pagan and the bible warns against their practices in whatever form.(Deut 18:9-13) The Lord winks at our ignorance but... (Act 17:30) Pray and ask the Holy Spirit(Jn 15:13) to lead us.

    I just happened to google search miming knowing exactly what it was about so I could send it to a colleague and found this website. Keep studying Saints of God, Sola Scriptura. Blessings.

  37. Truth mixed with error is deadly poison. One of the last day test is true worship. The method of worship chosen should be approved by God and not by man. (Pro 14:12) There are many well-meaning and genuine Christians who are being deceived. Miming is pagan, the Bible is clear on this. (Deut 18: 9-13) The forefathers would be disappointed that we have veered so far off course and have left our foundations. It is ok to be zealous for soul winning, but be careful. ( 1 Cor 9:27).
    I found this website after researching a miming link to send to send to a colleague, interesting article. Keep studying and praying Saints of God with the help of the Holy Spirit. (Jn 15:13) Remember Sola Scriptura. Blessings.

  38. I think we all have to do our own research and do what we believe the Lord will use to bring the lost to Him. Jesus told stories to try to illustrate spiritual truths. Some understood and some did not. As we minister in the way we believe God has gifted us to minister, some will understand and some will not.


  40. i believe in one thing in this world that mostly when God gives gift to people(
    James 1:17 - Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.). the first thing people rather do is to give the gift to satan to use it. and when satan use the gift first and publish it in the whole world it makes christian feel like when i have that particular gift in me and i use it i am using it to gloryfy satan but that is not true if satan has use the Gift first does not means that gift is bad. this is a stragegy the devil is using to prevent christian from using their gifts in the church and gifts help build the church. miming is publish in the whole world first by satan does not mean that is a bad gift. a usage of gift becomes bad or good depending which spirit is using you. this site gives you a mime on a poem called man and God very touching to win souls.

  41. I am so intrigued by the different opinions that have been introduced here. I read approximately fifteen of the comments written. They all had a portion of truth to them, however, therein harbors the issue. The Bible speaks of the biggest untruth being the lie that accommodates the combination of the truth within a lie. An example of this would be in Genesis 12: 10-20, when Abraham said Sarah was his sister, but did not admit to her being his wife. Well, he told part of the truth, as she was his half sister. Half truths usually occur because of the motivation behind them. When a Believer is trying to make an excellent point, they look for scriptures that only prove what they are striving to conceptualize. That being said, I would love for us all to check our motives before doing a thing; in other words, check our hearts, if what we're doing, saying, or thinking is not coming from a loving place, then our motivation is more than certainly not *GOD*ly.< Matthew 7: 5> states: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." *GOD* considered David as "a man after HIS own Heart." <1 Samuel 13: 14> As David was Praising the *LORD* through dance, wearing his priestly ephod in front of all of Israel. Thus, if David can dance unto the *LORD*, why can't we all? There are no perfect people on this earth, we all would do well to strive to be the best person we can be by using *JESUS* as the perfect example of all things righteous. HE was and is the purest form of clarification. "What would *JESUS* do? Love you with the Love of *CHRIST*!

  42. If Mime Is A Sin - Count Me In!

  43. Mime? More Like A Good Time

  44. I can feel Jesus filling me up inside when I mime, every time, oh man, can't stop that miming temptation

  45. Anonymous1.11.18

    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God (1John4:1). Miming finds its roots and intent in idolatry. Its emerging popularity in the church is a deception and detrimental to the faith and spirituality of Christians and the salvation of the lost, — substituting true worship for feigned, implanted, pseudo, and self-satisfying gospel entertainment. Mime masquerades as genuine praise and worship. It is aimed at enticing youth and seeks to satisfy the demands of some parents for activities that are useful for occupying their children for a few hours a week. Too many of us are going along to get along, and capitulating to pressures to “grow-the-church”— by any means necessary. What results is a powerless, confused church, entertained but not edified.


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