Are you ready to Move?

Praise the Lord!

Hi sisters...
I just want to share with you that the Lord will bless you this year in 2007.

The Lord has been Blessing me areas which I never thought possible.
Just my mire ability to walk everyday comes by the Grace of the Lord.
My mire ability to type of my raggy little computer is nothing but a gift
from the Lord.

The Lord wants me to encourage you to REST in him this year.
He wants to bless your life but you need to just wait on him.
He plans to take you to higher heights. But you can't compromise with the Lord.
You have to go where he tells you to go.

He is trying to take you to a deeper place...on a deeper level. Are you ready and willing? Are you willing to leave some things behind.

The next time you pray as the Lord what can you do to help his kingdom.
He blesses you everyday but sometimes your blessings are small in your eyes so you don't appreciate it. Change your thinking and realize how the Lord is looking out for you. Don't compare him to your earthly father...he is guiding you to greatness but you have to open your spiritual eyes.

The Lord wants to bless you but he doesn't want you to boast...thinking that you did things on your own. He wants to bless you so your testimony will BLESS OTHERS.