The Silent Disease

Praise the Lord!
Come in my sisters and have a seat so we can drink some tea together. Today we are going to chat about........Chronic Illness.

Don't worry, most chronic illnesses are not contagious - you usually don't catch them from someone else. But chronic illnesses can be genetic, meaning that parents can pass the
tendency to get them on to their children before they are born through genes. If a person has a chronic illness, he needs to take care of his condition for months or years. In a nutshell, it's a problem or condition that may limit what a person can do, that doesn't always go away. A person may go through a cycle of being well and extreme pain.

Many people you sit next to in church are dealing with constant pain. Some people you work with and sit next to at work are dealing with a modern day "thorn" in their side, like Paul in the Bible. Some of the people I am describing look normal and seem quite well; however, secretly they are dealing with pain and from the looks of things they don't seem sick at all. Many have been been told they have such conditions as heart disease, diabetes, Lou Gehrig's Disease, kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis (MS) and lupus.

If you have a Chronic Illness I would like to remind you that God offers strength in our weakness and allows us to grow spiritually, although not always comfortably, by allowing the "thorns" into our lives, (2 Cor. 12:9). God can heal despite our lack of faith, if it is his will, therefore, we are not able to meet a formula of "praying harder," and be guaranteed an outcome of healing (Mark 6:5,6). Illness is not necessary a sign that we have done something wrong (John 9:3) nor that we have "hidden sin" in our lives, (John 5:14). Don't waste time worshiping "the idea of healing" rather than God, (Exodus 20:3).

September 10 - 16, 2007 is National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week? This is a week to share and learn more about the challenges and prevalence of living with invisible illness or pain. I live with symptoms of chronic illness and am so glad for the opportunity to help others understand about invisible illness. This week you can try to comfort others in their pain, as God has comforted us in our own (2Cor. 1:3-5). If you'd like to know more, I invite you to visit

Nearly 1 in 2 Americans live with a chronic condition?
96% of illness is invisible?
75% of marriages end in divorce when illness is present?
79% of suicides have uncontrollable physical pain as a factor?

My illness is invisible. But the pain is real. Join me in supporting National Invisible Chronic IllnessAwareness Week, Sept 10-16. 2007. Care enough to be Informed. Little things DO make a difference.This week ask you friends and coworkers if they have ever heard about or have a chronic illness. Let me know about your informal poll.
