Praise the Lord!
Come in my sisters and have a seat so we can drink some tea together.

Today we are going to chat about........Your PURPOSE in the Kingdom?

Jesus is the reason for the season. What does that mean in my life?

As you get ready for the Christmas season take a moment to

examine your purpose in the Kingdom.

What has God called you to do in your life?

The Lord loved us so much he sent his Son.

If you have receive the Son of God as your Savior,

then the next step is to understand your PURPOSE.

Is God well pleased with you and your life?

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Take time and evaluate why you do what you do.

What should you be doing?

What is stopping you from doing these things?

Name three things you can do tonight change your life right now.

God has a purpose for everyone. Jesus was born thousands of years ago to fulfill a promise.

Many didn't believe in the promise. Some people had doubts. It wasn't an easy journey.

The Lord expects you to do what you have to do to help the kingdom expand.

You have to take the next step.

Do you have any strongholds that will keep you back?

As you prepare for Christmas and next year what are you going to change in your life?

Its important for you to realize that the Lord wants you to be about his business.

Walk in your purpose.
