Finding Money in Your Home with Books

Praise the Lord!
Sisters thanks for stopping by for some tea.
I have to tell you about my latest concern...MONEY!

The recession has cause many women to become inventive with how they use their money.
Are you currently paying bills and wondering how you can get extra money without getting another job? Well the money you need may be right under your nose. Look around the room your in right now, what could you sell? If you need money start parting with all your stuff. Americans have too much stuff to the point where many of our homes are filthy and we even rent storage space for all our junk.

Today I want you to start with your books. This I admit is a hard area for me. To part with my books. Start contacting the companies below and see how much you get for those beloved little books and share your financial blessing total with me. Let's see who can make the most money without leaving home. Some even offer free shipping.

Try the following booksellers:
Blue Rectangle
Book Scouter
Cash 4 Books
CKY Books
Jitter Book


  1. Anonymous16.5.09

    Hi! How are you?

    I really, really need prayer.. do you think you could visit my blog and bring any other Sisters in Christ over too?

    God bless you!


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