The Need to Say Thank You


       Sisters, Come and take a seat and have a cup of tea. Let's talk about God's creation all
around us. Do you take the time to thank the Lord for all the beauty you see around you?
I am visiting Niagara Falls, Canada and I had the opportunity to see one of the Wonders of
the World. As looked out of my window at the sunrise, I could not help thing about how
much I just wanted to tell the Lord, "thank you."

        The Lord gives us little this to help us appreciate him and his goodness to us. You may not have the money to go overseas but you can take the time a thank the Lord for ALL he has done for you.
As you admire the flowers, clouds, or the trees. Stop and just thank the Lord for all he has done. No matter how big or small just thank the Lord for all the blessing he has given you today, this month or this year.

        Do you remember the story of the ten lepers. Nine lepers just took the blessing, but on actually realized that this life was not all about him. The leper pleased the Lord with just the words, "thank you." Today do not forget to thank the Lord for all he has done in your life. Clos your eyes and just say, " Lord I thank you, thank you for....
