Healing in Odd Places

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice just the writers experience, please consult a medical professional for medical advice.

Praise the Lord!
Today I decided to try green tea again. Okay, I still do not like the bitter taste. I am still going through my writers block so I decided to try something new to make sure my physical pain isn't causing my writers block. lol Okay, that's not quite true.

I read this this morning: Malachi 4:23 [ Jesus Heals the Sick ] Jesus went throughout Galilee,
teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease
 and sickness among the people.

Jesus believes in total healing so I have to take advantage of all the gifts God has given various specialist. I decided to try acupunture because I have a little pain that has been "buggin" me. I found
one person who has actually been to an acupunture. Most people kept reminding me that the accupunturist isn't covered under most health plans.

After much prayer, I decided to agree with the Lord and go. I was concern about the ritual aspect of acupunture. I wanted to make sure their was no chanting or things burning, etc. All my traditional doctors were so excited about me getting surgery or get a shot before they even xray me so I decide that alternative medicine was a better option.

My acupunturist was very sweet, she was from Japan and new to the U.S. we had an initial consultation and then we met for service. It was funny though because she had this little computer that helps her
with her English translation, but I thought she was texting while consultanting and I was getting a little concern.lol

The specialist really made be feel at easy. The needles didn't hurt at all; however, I did get a little nervous when I actually looked at one sticking out of my skin. I think I am so use to crying when I get
a needle that when I say it all I wanted to do was scream. I got about twenty needles placed in the right pressure points. It was a very relaxing experience and guess what the pain in the area is gone, no lie.
I would recommend this alternative technique to anyone before you decide to go under the knife. The Lord has given us so may options. Pray and talk to God about what you need to do in regards to your health.
