Hi Sisters in Christ,

Today is one of those hot lazy summer days and I want to know what's going on with you our visitors, readers and followers. This is my first go round with “AS OF LATE” hosted by Kristen at Exemplify Online. Check out what's going on with me--what a week. Please visit the site and sign up or add to your site:


•Lately, I’ve been shock by "religious celebrities" whom I have admired from afar and realized they embrace a different kind of Christianity than I do (...I should have known better).

•Lately, I’ve joined My Fitness Coach on the Wii (Let's see how that goes).

•Lately, I’ve been listening to God about finishing my book (just took over 7 years).

•Lately, I’ve been growing eggplant. I don't eat eggplants (I just started planting and could not stop).

•Lately, I am finally ready to move into my ministry full time (I hope to quit my day job next year).

•Lately, I have met some really great ladies online during my "BLOG STROLL" (Yes, I am that blog crasher...your like who is she? HA! lol)

How about you!? How has your “As of Late” been looking lately? Comment or even link up to the Editor’s Blog!
