Hi Sisters, I am getting ready for tea time but I am having a little writers block.
I am trippin' because I am in a very beautiful place but I can't get my work done. I think I, well I know I have missed one deadline for an article.
I am stressed and I have writers block.This morning my buddy sent me a little inspiration clip.
Thanks my tea buddies!
You may not know but my new favorite singer is Y'Anna Crawley. I never watched Sunday Best so I never heard of her until I saw her at a Women's Conference.I think it was sometime last year. Well, I almost missed her. She was about to perform and I was going out the side door to take a break (Sorry Yanna, I was being rude).
Well, the Lord used her testimony to inspire me. I have been trying to finish a few projects and felt stuck. Y'Anna Crawley's testimony reminded me of the importance of my faith in God and of his promises.
So now she is my new "best friend" in my head. lol
Y’Anna Crawley’s CD will finally be released this summer. Y’Anna’s debut CD, “The Promise” I heard will be released August 24th. I hear the production team did a good job. I just like the anointing I see in her and I hope she stay focused on the Lord and stay in her Word. I have worked in the music industry and know there are some "sheeps and spirits" that will try to keep your attention off God's plan and purpose for your life. I am so happy that her CD is finally coming out and I pray the Lord will bless all those who hear it and she will have professional success.
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