Becoming a More Patient Christian Woman

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about . ..Are you Becoming a more Patient Christian Woman?

Look at my plate, this is what I love tea and chocolate covered strawberries. Just smelling the aroma of the tea calms me down.

I don't know about you,  but sometimes life can sometimes get so frantic. Sometimes I look at my calendar and I feel a knot in my back because I have over commit, once again. I no longer like being too busy. The older I get the more I want more me time. Running from event to event can just be too taxing on ones soul. I was seeking in the Word what the Lord said about being a Patient Christian.

After reaching my stress limit this weekend I became trying to find the answer I needed. The Lord told me to take time to:

1. Spend time with God. Take time and just pray for thirty minute just releasing and sharing with God.
2. Learn to Hear God's voice. If your caught up with the trials of life, you do not have space for God.
3. Get Help if you need it in any area of your life. Being a SUPER WOMAN, I am convince is a SIN.
4. Expand and inprove your devotinal time with the Lord. Do something different from discovery a new curriculum or even fast.
5. Practice Simplicity. Oh no your thinking? Well you need to throw or give away some of those shoes and bags.
6. Take a few hours and just commit to community service, even if you are by yourself.
7. Find time for spiritual solitude. You can even take a nature walk with God.

Ladies, do you feel tired or stressed. Are you distract by the things of this world?
In 2 Cor. 12:10 Paul reminds us that when we admit our weakness that is when we are truly strong.
