How Can You Become A Better Giver?

He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor --Proverbs 22:9

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ...Becoming A Better Giver.

What do you do when you see people in need? Do you help or do you wait for others to help? It is always a blessing to help those in need.

Take time and think about how you can make a difference in the community. Here are a few ideas you can do to give a helping hand to others in need:

- Run errand for neighbors or senior citizens
- Volunteer at a local soup kitchen
- Pick up some grocery for someone sick
- Help a classroom teacher by donating school supplies
- Offer to babysit
- Buy a meal for a homeless person
- Let someone go ahead of you in line
- Donate books to a local classroom or library
- Show up to help a friend who is moving
- Say yes to someone who asks for help


  1. These are some great ideas. I was just thinking about offering to deliver "Meals on Wheels." Thank you for this reminder.

  2. Anonymous29.4.11

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) I hope your weekend is marvelous!!

  3. This is always a practical lesson, and very eloquently written. I know personally that I sometimes suffer from the "if I can't do something big, I do nothing at all" syndrome. I appreciated your listing because it is a wonderful reminder that sometimes help isn't as much of a sacrifice as we might think.

    Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the visit to my blog ( the other day. Blessings!

  4. We can do a lot to help others. It's fulfilling to know that it doesn't really take a big act to be able to help someone. Thanks for the visit!


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