Inspiring Sisters Book Club: Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ... Inspiring Sisters Book Club.

Ladies our first book for our book club is Life Interrupted Navigating the Unexpected by Priscilla Shirer.

I am so excited because I follow Sister Shirers blog and her dad's work help me get out of my state of carnality years ago. I hope you can join our efforts.

I just have to share with you that a few months ago the Lord was leading me to teach Jonah. However, I did not listen. I put it off. All of a sudden this month,  I started to get so many emails with the same spiritual issues.

One blogger lost her job, one is so depressed, one is having a Lupus flare up, and another is having problems with heer husband. Then I  went blog hoppin and guest what...I kept reading Christian Women blogs expressing the same issue. I was like, Lord what do you want me to do. How can my blog help other women. Then the Lord said try having a book club.

Many of my blog readers are women working every day, feeling like every thing is going well until a little interruption. In honor of May being Lupus Awareness/Chronic Illness Month. Let's explore what the word of God says about dealing with our little problems.  How do you handle the thorns of life?

Then as I was grocery shopping I bumped into a book shelf and guess what book was staring me in the face, yes. Let's all be obedient. Guess what, this will be our first book to discuss. You have until May 15th to complete the book. We will discuss the book along the way.

We all have interruptions. According to the book: Interruptions are aggravating. Sometimes infuriating. We like Jonah, tend to run from interruptions. We run in the opposite direction.

However, what is the Lord trying to teach us through the situations of life?

Please join our latest project and be prepared to discuss the book with us soon. If you have any questions just email me.


  1. Hi Sistergirl,

    I just wanted to thank you for your message on my blog (the life of a 20-something with Lupus). I took your advice and bought this book! :) It just arrived today and I can't wait to start reading it.

    Thank you :)



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