Mother Day Success

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ...


If you are a mom, or if you have a mom... I hope you took the time to make someone close to you in your life feel just a little special.

I would like to leve you with a little inspirational poem to remind you that we all can have a little success. Examine your attitude in life.

What is Success by Ralph Waldo Emerson

To laugh often and love much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the approval of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To give of one’s self;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;

To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived…

This is to have succeeded.


  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I'm looking forward to checking out your blog as well!


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