Why Should Moms Even Blog?

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ... mommy bloggers. Today someone made the comment that "she didn't see the sense in blogging." This person stated that she didn't have time to waste on blogging.

That is thegreat thing about opinions, everyone has one, lol. I do not know about you but I enjoy blogging. I am a creative person so I am drawn to activities that allow me to express myself.

However over the years I have met and communicated with various women from all over the world. I love the network, social aspect and in my case the ministry opportunity.

My blog has given me the opportunity to reach many women who overseas, housebound and are dealing with Chronic Illness. I have been healed by such issues so now I am able to provide encouragement to many going through issues that they may not want to share with friends and church members in their locale. I think it is a blessing any time women, moms and people in general can communicate with others.

Check why some people other moms blog. I loved this story because I actually read some of these blogs, lol.

Why do you blog or read blogs?


  1. I love blogging because it allows me the opportunity to share what God has put on my heart, or to share what works for me as far as things in the natural are concerned. I also love reading blogs, because I love receiving encouragement from like-minded women. :)


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