What Are You Opening Yourself To?

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ... Christian Comedian Small Fire.

You can't spend you whole like working and taking care of others. Sometime we all need a break. And if you can laugh it makes it even better.

I want to share with you a funny southern comedian. Her stage name is Small Fire and stop for a moment and enjoy her routine.

She was a secular comedian on such venues as Def Jam, etc. She shard on a few previous interviews that the Lord convict her during a show and reminder her that during a comedy experience the people laughing are opening up themselves spiritually and the comedian is pouring into them. The Lord asked her what was she pouring into people.

Wow, she could have had a Jonah complex but instead this Sister in Christ decided to embrace the call on her life. She has been around for over 15 years. Take a moment and enjoy a laugh moment.

