Beware of Christians

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ... Beware of Christians.

After all these crazy stories in the media about churches or so called Christians some people in the world might be quietly saying to themselves BEWARE OF CHRISTIANS in a negative sense. But this DVD is not about anything negative.

Its a coming of age time documentary for us "normal" Christians.  Its a story of the journey of some regular Christian kids. It is a great DVD to watch with your teen.

The Movie is about Alex, Matt, Michael, and Will, they grew up good Christian kids. But in college, these four friends began realizing that the Jesus they'd known as Americans was far different than the Jesus they read about in the Bible.

Wanting to look at life with fresh eyes, they left all that they knew and headed to Europe with little more than the clothes on their backs and a camera to capture what they learned as they searched for truth and deeper meaning. Get ready to experience Beware of Christians, a movie that Mark Lewis, the director of spiritual life at Abilene Christian University calls, "Amazing. Relevant. Compelling for students and those who work with students."was far different than the Jesus they read about in the Bible.

Check out the Movie Trailer:
