Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ... Pursuit of Proverbs 31.
I don't know if you have had the chance to read Proverbs, especially chapter 31 in the bible. Proverbs 31 is the chapter often read by most women and sometimes its often a misundrestood chapter. Mainly because this women in the chapter seems like such a fabulous Christian woman that many often feel inadequate as a womn after reading the chapter.
Yes, we know its a model of an ideal Godly woman and it may not be actually one particular person but when most women read Proverbs 31 they strive to become this super woman of God.
Is Proverbs 31 a model of Christian womanhood? Why did the Lord put this chapter in the bible for women? What does the Lord wants us to learn from reading the chapter? These and many questions can be answered in this new book.
In Pursuit of Proverbs 31, Amy Bayliss gives you a biblical view of the scriptures that are found tucked away at the end of the book of wisdom. With Southern charm and raw, real emotions she’ll tug at the core of your being. She’ll give you a new perspective and inspire you to pursue Proverbs 31; she’ll inspire you to pursue Jesus.
eBook: 145 pages
Publisher: My Southern Media
Language: English
Price: $4.99
I want to encourage all my readers and blog followere to check out the work of a fellow Christian blogger, Amy Bayliss, whose work I admire. Her new ebook, Pursuit of Proverbs 31 is perfect for the Christian woman who wants to strengthen her walk with the Lord. It will get you to examine your purpose as a mother and women of Christ.
Pursuit of Proverbs 31 releases on February 27th. Visit her blog to see if you can win a pre-release copy to get a little head start. There will also be a Proverbs 31 Bible study beginning soon on Joyful Mothering
If you are interested in joining the 10-week study hosted here each Monday from March 5th – May 7th, sign up on the linky link. You will need a copy of the eBook, “Pursuit of Proverbs 31“. It is only $4.99 and releases on Feb. 27th. You do not need to have a blog to participate.
I don't know if you have had the chance to read Proverbs, especially chapter 31 in the bible. Proverbs 31 is the chapter often read by most women and sometimes its often a misundrestood chapter. Mainly because this women in the chapter seems like such a fabulous Christian woman that many often feel inadequate as a womn after reading the chapter.
Yes, we know its a model of an ideal Godly woman and it may not be actually one particular person but when most women read Proverbs 31 they strive to become this super woman of God.
Is Proverbs 31 a model of Christian womanhood? Why did the Lord put this chapter in the bible for women? What does the Lord wants us to learn from reading the chapter? These and many questions can be answered in this new book.
In Pursuit of Proverbs 31, Amy Bayliss gives you a biblical view of the scriptures that are found tucked away at the end of the book of wisdom. With Southern charm and raw, real emotions she’ll tug at the core of your being. She’ll give you a new perspective and inspire you to pursue Proverbs 31; she’ll inspire you to pursue Jesus.
eBook: 145 pages
Publisher: My Southern Media
Language: English
Price: $4.99
I want to encourage all my readers and blog followere to check out the work of a fellow Christian blogger, Amy Bayliss, whose work I admire. Her new ebook, Pursuit of Proverbs 31 is perfect for the Christian woman who wants to strengthen her walk with the Lord. It will get you to examine your purpose as a mother and women of Christ.
Pursuit of Proverbs 31 releases on February 27th. Visit her blog to see if you can win a pre-release copy to get a little head start. There will also be a Proverbs 31 Bible study beginning soon on Joyful Mothering
If you are interested in joining the 10-week study hosted here each Monday from March 5th – May 7th, sign up on the linky link. You will need a copy of the eBook, “Pursuit of Proverbs 31“. It is only $4.99 and releases on Feb. 27th. You do not need to have a blog to participate.
Perhaps you can use me and/or my story in some of your programs?
ReplyDeleteI (Heather Heaton) am recommending my new ebook ("Her Letters from Prison") as a motivational resource for reading pleasure, review, contemplation, and comment. God changed my life in prison! My ebook will validate your inquisitive doubts about what goes on in women’s prisons (It is what it is!); it can justify the efforts spent toward Christian ministries to women’s prisons; and it can be an inspirational (tell-it-like-it-is) resource for drug rehab/prevention programs. The book is non-fiction, inspirational, prison romance; and the original letters (with prison art) are included as images for authenticity. You can go to, click on a direct link to my Smashwords "book pages", and purchase “Her Letters from Prison”, Parts 1 and 2.
I am a 34 year old college student trying to better my life, in spite of the baggage I carry from my previous life.
A brief description of the ebook follows:
1. Breanna tells the true story of her experiences in prison through her letters to her friend Heath. This is a story of survival and a quest to make a better life. The letters describe the daily shocking events of prison life involving drugs, sex, utter devastation and humiliation, anger, hopelessness, despair, and finally happiness and hope.
2. Breanna was condemned to prison by her narcissistic lover; and a new, positive prison romance began to blossom.
3. Breanna's "truth" stands still even as the world around her trembles and burns! Bad things do happen to good people; and Breanna is the perfect example of this truth.
4. Breanna's inner strengths and principles eventually win out over the corruption and evil that surrounds her. With God's help, Breanna survives the horrible experiences of prison life and regains her self-confidence and hope for a better life.
5. "Breanna" was an inmate at Tutwiler Women's Prison from 2007 to 2009.
6. "Breanna" benefitted from women's prison ministries and the LIFE Tech-Wetumpka state-funded self-help program. Breanna was blessed with a life-changing experience.
Heather Heaton
Customer/Reader Review of “Her Letters from Prison”
Heather, ever since you first contacted me about your ebooks (and when I received them) I have been giving them traction. At least two women on my case load checked them out, (like a library card so I would get them back) and were very moved by the content. I haven’t had another problem with their behavior since they read them. So…I know they are working. They should be required reading, ordered by a Judge before women are sentenced to probation, so that they would fully understand the consequences of their behavior.
Gary Parsons
Parole Officer
State of Alabama – Board of Pardons & Parole