Are you scared about HIV/Aids?

Sisters, come on in and grab a cup of tea and lets talk about ... HIV/AIDS among women.

Yes, even Christians can get this disease we still live in a fallen world. There are now many new advances in the area of this disease.

I would like to encourage all Christian and non Christian women to get empowered and find out your status. There are many ways women can get this disease. I know many in the church do not like to discuss sex or sexual diseases but if you look at the data HIV/AIDS is still a issue in America.

This disease is affecting many women who are sick, young, and the elderly.
Your health and life matters. We can no longer just live a life of fear and pretend our mate is doing his part. It doesn't hurt to check your status; however, it is an issue of death when you pretend everything will be okay. The Lord tells us in his work to be proactive and not just sit back and wait.

Please take a moment and check out the Center for Disease Control new advertisements on

God Bless!!!
