6 Week Club: Feeling Discouraged in Weight Loss Process

Sisters, Come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ...Feeling Discouraged in my Weight Loss Process. I love desserts. 

I think that is my weakness sweets. I can skip real food...I just love those empty calories.  Yes, I know its so not healthy but that is where I am today.

I have been feeling discouraged with my program because its summer time and this is the time I normally enjoy all the summer treats. I haven't noticed any changes on the scale. I am mentally trying to prepare for the 4th of July barbeques. This morning I read job:



42 Then Job replied to the Lord:
“I know that you can do all things;
    no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’
    Surely I spoke of things I did not understand,
    things too wonderful for me to know. (NIV)

"thwarted" well it means: frustrate something: to prevent somebody or somebody's plan from being successful, to place one thing across another, or  situated or extending across something

The Lord reminded me that yes I can achieve this goal. I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" I can achieve this goal even though I sometimes get frustrated and feel something prevents me from achieving my goals. I have drinking my water with a smile. I have been slowly but surely learning to enjoy my salads. I have become quite creative.

"obscures my plans" what is the Lord trying to remind me I thought. Obscure means not clear, vague, uncertain, hard to perceive, not readily seen, heard, etc.

Even though I am not always sure of how I am going to lose my weight I can do it. I need to trust the Lord that this is an attainable goal. I may not understand everything on how I will achieve this but I have to do what I know will work and trust that the Lord will bring me through.

The Lord had to remind me of some of my progress even though I don't see the results I have been dreaming about. I have gotten off sodas. I am doing better with de cluttering my environment so I can clear my mind. I am doing better with moving my body. Yesterday, I parked so far at the grocery store I know people thought I was crazy but I am trying to get my exercise in. I even walked my cart back to the bin. Oh, yes I am one of those people who do not always return the cart, lol.

How about you? What are you struggling with this summer? Are you following our 6 weeks club?
Are you trying to change anything in your life and feeling a little discourage? Please share how you try to get back on track.

*Online Picture source not known.

