Sisters in Christ, Come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ...Moving the Dream from Your Vision.
A few days ago we created our dream board. I am sure it looks beautiful but now what?
You may be asking yourself. Well, now we have to move. I hope you didn't expect the Lord to just drop all those dreams and desire into your lap?
You dreams or the visual presentation of your dreams is just a guide. You know you have to work with the Lord's help towards achieving these goals.
Imagine how wonderful it will be when you are living your dream. It is going to be a wonderful and exciting time in your life. No one in their right mind wants a humdrum existence. We all want our life to have meaning. We do not just want to get old and then die.
I just want to remind you that the Lord has a thrilling, wonderful dream stirring in you. If you don't think so just look at your board. You know the Lord wants to awaken your dream in you. It is in the scripture. The Lord has called people throughout history and guess what it includes your dreams too.
Stop! Read Isaiah 60:1-3. This was all about the Lord's dream for Jerusalem but it also serves as a dream for Israel
Arise, shine; for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For darkness shall cover the earth,
and thick darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will arise upon you,
and his glory will appear over you.
Nations shall come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
The Lord could have blessed HIS people with their desire; however something stop him? Yes, it is the same thing that stop us, too. They turned away from Lord's dream over and over again. Is your dreams and desire in line with the Lord. Would the Lord be pleased with your dreams and desires?
Do you remember Psalm 78:1-22 when the people didn't live up to the Lord's dream?
Read Psalm 78:1-22. Verse 7 says it all "they should set their hope in God." Let us take a look in the New Testament since some people prefer it to the Old Testament. Read Acts 26. The Lord had a dream for a man name Saul. But the Lord had to work on that hard head to get him to embrace HIS dream. Jesus appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus to get his to embrace the dream that he was rejecting.
We have to make sure our dreams are pleasing the Lord. We don't want to be hit by any Goads. Goads were those sticks that were used to motivate the oxen. Keep him straight, lol. Jesus told Saul he wasn't going the way the Lord wanted him to go. The Lord used external factors to direct him but he didn't listen. He refused the Lords dream for his life. But he finally listen and embraced the Lord's dream. Saul became Paul and later wrote that all of his Jewish religiosity was nothing but rubbish in comparison to "the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (Philippians 3:8).
You need to embrace the Lord's dream for your life. Let's not kick against the goads, let's not try to do it on our own. Let us not refuse to come under the wings of the Lord. According to the word, we all have gifts that the Lord can use to serve or minister HIS name to others. We need to pray so we can be more aware of his dream for our life.
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