Sisters in Christ,
Come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ... What are you doing now to achieve your dreams?
Genesis 22:2 New International Version (NIV)
2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
Ladies, We have talked about our dreams and desires. We have made new dreams/vision boards.
You may have read some books in your area of interest. You know what you want to do and you know what you need to do to achieve your dreams and desires. NOW WHAT!
Ladies, We have talked about our dreams and desires. We have made new dreams/vision boards.
You may have read some books in your area of interest. You know what you want to do and you know what you need to do to achieve your dreams and desires. NOW WHAT!
In the verse above the Lord was talking to Abraham. Imagine, Abraham woke up early. Oh ladies did you hear that. You have to go to sleep early not just for your beauty sleep but so you can get up early and be about your fathers business. You have to communicate with the Lord before you start your day so he can guide you and tell you things to prepare you for your daily adventure.
Did you notice the that God told him to "Take." I don't think the Lord meant when you feel like it. He told Abraham to "Take your son.." Those of you who are moms know that when you tell your children to do something you know that means right now. First time obedience. You don't give people commands unless you want some immediate actions.
Ladies the message I got today from the Lord is very simple. No need to fuss and complain like your children. The command is to move on your dreams and desires. No you don't need to put it off. You have been putting so many things off for years. No more excuses!!
The Lord has given you everything you need. He need Christian women to start influencing the world. He need you to achieve your dreams and desires. If we are to achieve all the wonderful things the Lord has for us then we need to MOVE! Doing things later is not an option. Procrastination is not from the Lord. Yes, you may have to change some things in your life and make a little sacrifice to make your dream come true.
May the Lord bless your dreams and desires today. I pray the Lord give you the strength to work hard and sacrifice so you can be blessed with the accomplishment of your dreams so you can share your testimony to other women.
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