Sisters in Christ, Come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ...Gays Offended by Phil Robertson.
The Duck Dynasty star has offended Gays and now his show may be cancelled. I have seen the show once or twice but I am not a follower. But from talking to a few of their fans. Phil Robertson is a very blunt and crude person. He says what he means.
According to Huffpost he has been quoted for saying: “It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man’s anus," Robertson told GQ. "That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”
“Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong. Sin becomes fine," he later added. “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
Well now, I guess he shared what was on his heart. Mmmm. Let's be honest, I don't think his words were racist, prejudice or against Gays. His words were a bit crude and rude. You can draw more people with honey but maybe he is not their yet. He may still be a babe in Christ.
I am a Christian and I understand that certain behaviors are considered SIN in the eyes of the Lord.
You can't change that fact. For over 3,000 years the Lord has made his words clear. He has shown for 3,000 years what happens when you disobey him. Phil Robertson's delivery was not very supportive but then again everyone is not very therapeutic by nature. His was a rude but I don't think it was racist.
Disclaimer: Gay Readers no need to complain to me. The Bible is written for Christians, those who believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That means the Bible is for Christians. If you are not a Christian I don't know if you can really understand what the Lord is trying to say. But then again would you really care?
I understand that Phil Robertson was a rascal before he got SAVE so it is his testimony. His words obviously hurt many Gay media gatekeepers. I heard some in the media say they "felt" he was comparing gay lifestyle to bestiality. I didn't hear from the quote above, but then again you can't control how people feel and if their feelings get hurt.Its a funny thing that when you are sinning you really don't want people to remind you about the stuff you are doing.
I think some Gays are already struggling with their sin because it is a sin and not enough EXGAYS are sharing their story/testimonies with others. The Holy Spirit is going to deal with you in that sin nature. Behind close door you do feel bad when you are living a life contrary to the Word of the Lord especially if you are SAVED has are not in right fellowship with HIM. Its a normal "carnal" process.
The real issue many Americans continue to struggle with is many FEEL gay rights is not a Civil Rights Issues.
I know some of my blog readers who struggle with homosexuality. I know many people who were delivered from Homosexuality. I know a two who end up getting married and now have a husband and children. They were delivered and they said it was not an easy journey. No matter what your SIN, you have to want to be delivered from it. The first step is to get away from friends who are still doing the negative behavior. Then find a church who have a ministry in that particular area. Not all churches have gay and lesbian ministries.
According to Religious Tolerance here are some leading ex-gay ministries:
Evergreen International Inc. is a Mormon treatment center, founded in 1989. It has 13 branches in the US, Australia and Canada. They believe "that individuals can overcome homosexual behavior and can diminish same-sex attraction, and is committed to assisting individuals who wish to do so." They claim a 30% success rate. 6 | |
Exodus International North America was created in 1976-SEP by a merger of many "ex-gay" ministries. It includes many ministries, churches, agencies and individuals as members. Exodus currently has about 75 ministries in the US, and has a presence in Asia and Europe. 4,5 Their pamphlet "Exodus: A Way Out," offers "Freedom from homosexuality, not through a method but a person, the Lord Jesus Christ!" Many ministries (e.g. Breaking Free, Cross Over, Regeneration, Straight Ahead Ministries, Straight Path Ministries) are affiliated with Exodus." To form a bona fide chapter, a ministry must be active for two years, and its directors -- if they were gay -- must have abstained from their 'former lifestyle' for two years." They claim a success rate in excess of 70%. 14 | |
Homosexuals Anonymous (HA) has chapters: 38 in the U.S., one in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Canada, and one in Canberra, Australia. It was formerly known as Quest. They have created a 14 step program that is similar to Alcoholics Anonymous' 12 step recovery program: five steps are taken from AA; the other nine came from "Colin," one of HA's co-founders. Group support meetings are held weekly. Their FAQ section states "that there is no such thing as a homosexual, only men and women, created by God heterosexually, who because of the broken world we live in, are confused over their sexual identity." 17 | |
Love in Action: This is a residential program located in Memphis, TN. About 10 men, aged typically 21 to 50, live together in a large farmhouse, attempting to become ex-gays. Most clients spend 13 to 18 months in the program. | |
New Direction for Life Ministries of Canada: This evolved from a Bible study group for gays and lesbians in Toronto. Formed in 1985 as New Bebinnings Ministries, its name was changed to the present one in 1990. It appears to be the main Transformational Ministry in Canada. They describe themselves as "A pro-people organization offering Christian support to men and women choosing to leave homosexuality, and equipping the church to minister effectively and compassionately." 18 | |
P-FOX On 1996-OCT-9, the Family Research Council announced the creation of their new organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays. 13 More details. | |
Transforming Congregations was a ministry of 40 United Methodist Churches in 1997-OCT. By 2000-MAY, it had grown to 76 churches. They support gays and lesbians who want to try to change their orientation. 7 They "affirm the Biblical position that God loves all persons, that homosexual practice is one sin among many and that the Holy Spirit is available to transform all persons - including homosexual persons." |
I believe if the Lord can deliver you from crack, and any other issue you may have then homosexuality is not something hard to get out of if you really want to. You can choose to be gay, but you can't choose to be black. You can choose to change your mind. I like many can not stop being black. That is why I disagree that "Gay Rights" is a Civil Rights Issue and I find these "Gay Organizations" quite offensive. I believe you choose to be gay like you choose to abstain from sex.
I believe in Freedom of Speech. If he isn't using offensive words or terms meaning gay I don't think it is anything wrong sharing hi belief. I want to be able to share my testimony to others as a Christian.
I hope ALL Christians will support him by writing his network and asking them to give him a second chance because I think he was truly trying to share his journey to the Lord it just was not polished.
You can contact A and E Channel to ask them to give him a second chance.
I do think that the GLADD & LGBT organizations are really trying to be bullies.
I didn't read that he said gays were into bestiality.
I think the animal thing in the same sentence may have offended some.
Christians need to understand that for some reason more and more people seem to not want us to share our testimonies in public. But people can curse and say other racist words.
Well the Duck Dynasty family have stated, no dad no show. Many fans are now upset.
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