Sisters in Christ, Come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ...From Hobby to Business.
I have started a business this year. I guess its still in theory because I have not made one dime. My blog is no longer a hobby, it is now a business.
The only thing is I just need to actually make money. This isn't a good idea in the eyes of my Carribbean parent, lol.
I have been researching, researching and researching ways I can make money in this unfamiliar market. Yes, this is a bit crazy but I would like to say I a just trusting the Lord with all my heart.
I have been trying to find appropriate Christian friendly products to advertise on this site. Some small Christian companies expect me to let then advertise for free. I think they may have forgotten the bible verse that say to may a man his worth. Really people!!! This is 2014, How will I pay my bills?
I will try to update you every Sunday on my journey. Please follow me on Twitter and Google. Visit my advertisers because they are supporting me. Take a moment and actually leave a message and not try to sell my readers something, lol. I have learned you do not really make money blogging. Blogging is your public relations to everything else. That means I have to freelance more than I thought and finish my e-devotional.
I have researched some great professional blogs like Making Sense of Cents, the Budget Fashionista, Extraordinary Mommy and Wisebread. These bloggers make a living with their blog.
If you have some other sites that I can read for inspiration please share.
I have calculated that I need to make at least $5,000 a month on my blog. If I make anything less for much longer I may have to sleep in your basement, lol. I have been trying to research ways I can actually do that. I need to make my business a LLC so I need money for that and I need to expand my web presence.
Becoming self employed is very time consuming. I pray the Lord will continue to give me strength.
I want Inspiring Sisters to actually inspire Christian women to use their gifts and talents. Please take time and give me feedback. Let me know about any changes you like or hate. A few have requested that I make my fashion on a budget a regular segment. I am working on my Instagram and Pinterest accounts.
Thanks Sisters in Christ for all your support.
1. I am seeking blogs to design this blog.
2. I have made $0 with Adsense so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. If you have any ideas please let me know.
3. I am seeking freelance jobs in the Christian Market.
4. I am completing my study for my upcoming bible series on Prayer.
5. Seeking an online/homebased customer service assignment.
That is it for my Sunday Update. Keep me in your Prayer. I am researching the bible about Prayer.
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