Newbie Journey: Preparing to Homeschool

Sisters in Christ, Come on in and grab a cup of tea. Let's talk about ... Preparing to Homeschool.

My family just decide we would homeschool earlier this summer. I never thought I would homeschool even though I thought about it when my kids were infants. I guess one can say the Lord led me to homeschool because of a few reasons, the number one being that my kids private school which I was paying high tuition for them to attend didn't live up to their mission. As an advance degree holder I didn't feel my sons were being prepared for college. I'm preparing them at home and the school is contradicting our desire for our children.

As a Christian, classroom teacher and product of religious education, I was shock and angry with how education is being watered down, even in private schools. Many private schools are now so hungry for tuition that they are quietly lowering their standards. Some seasoned teachers lack appropriate degrees and were not even Christian School certified. I personally feel that in this day and age no one teaching elementary students in a classroom environment should not be educationally prepared. There are too many issues in the classroom without Christians being prepared for their profession. Would you go to a doctor who wanted to operate on your heart and you found out he failed the his medical exam?

I am pro education, I don't have a problem with traditional education in theory. However, when it doesn't work as a parent I need options so here I am homeschooling. I feel I can just do it my self. Some of the P.T.A. members of my kids former school were angry that I didn't stick around but change takes a long time.
I just wasn't willing to use my child's education while they try to get themselves together. Now I am rushing and planning because I need to have all these things ready for my kids first day of homeschool. I am feeling a little overwhelmed. I am also sick of some of my Christian associates telling a hundred reason why home schooling is wrong and how my children will not thrive. How they won't be able to socialize. Really people! Maybe 30 years ago homeschooling was more isolated. In my few months of researching I have found out that over 4,000 kids in my area are homeschooled. There are over 50 co ops on every religion, interest or teaching style. You rather me pay money for them to learn nothing? Sometimes you just have to just ignore foolishness.

My teaching style is similar to Marva Collins (famous classical educator from Chicago) and Charlotte Mason. It basically means I am a traditional educator who believes students should read and explain their understanding of the material. My children are college bound so I want them prepared with mastery of the basics.

I am using a mixture of co op classes, tutorial center classes and internet courses. I will also teach a class at two different co ops so my kids can go there free. My personality is I can't stay in the house. If you have used any of the material below, please share how it worked for your family. Here is the curriculum I am planning to use:

Bible: Case for Christ, Bible Memory Verse  (Dad does devotionals)
Reading: Living books that includes mulitcultural biographies
Grammar: Shurley English
Latin: Latin for Children
History: Story of the World
Science: Apologia Physics & Chemistry for Kids
Math:  Internet based and reinforced with Teaching Textbooks
Foreign Language: ASL Sign Language
Physical Education: Tennis, Basketball, Karate & Fencing

High School:
Latin Alive
World Literature/Reading: Classical Fiction
Grammar: IEW Easy Grammar, Writing Text
World History: Story of the World
Math: Algebra ll  Internet Program & Teaching textbooks
Science: Apologia Physics
Elective: Economics .5, Guitar .5 - Co op
Foreign Language: Spanish ll Co -op
Physical Education: Tennis-Co op
SAT PREP/Career Development - Co op

I am still playing around with some subjects so its not yet set in stone. I have to also get my teaching area together without spending too much money.

I am a newbie to homeschool. If your
a newbie too, please email me or lets chat, I would like to know about your journey.
